Monday 27 May 2013

Second Operation on 29 May, Wednesday

Dear caring friends,

Thank you for all blessings for these past months.

After 6 months of recovering period, Adelyn had achieved very big improvement on her right eye. She is able to see big object like building and cars, as far as within 15 - 20 metres.

She is now putting on a spectacles with some degrees to help her to get a clearer picture of her surrounding. According to Adelyn, although her vision on the object is not very sharp, but is much more better than before.

I estimated she should be gaining her vision about at least 20% from her past.

Adelyn will be going for her next operation on her left eye on 29th May 2013, Wednesday @ Mount Elizabeth Novena @ 5pm.

Again, I am here to seek all caring friends here to pray together with me

Adeyln, her sisters and me are looking forward for this exciting day to arrive. We hope everyone here, including all caring friends around the world, could pray together with us for this exciting moment that we had been looking forward to. Kindly forward this message to your friends around.

Once again, thank you for all supports and blessings.

Warmest regards,
Mary & Children

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